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Juewett. Bostick


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Juewett. Bostick / BMI
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Sound & Rhythm - Prelude
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JUEWETT BOSTICK, pronounced Ju wet, and affectionately called ‘JU’ by family and close friends is a guitarist / technologist with an eclectic mix of traditional music skills and technological savvy. His affinity for the arts and technology evolved through his professional association with Jazz and R&B veterans Norman Connors, Grover Washington, Bobby Brown, Barry White, Gary Bartz, The Temptations, Sister Sledge, Hubert Laws, Nancy Wilson, Thelma Houston and Eartha Kitt, to mention a few.

Ju likes to do what he does best. That’s making great music and eloquently integrating it with technology products for everyone! His musical and artistic legacy is one of creativity, innovation, and associations with great musicians, vocalists and artists.  Historically these associations produced great music and innovative products; it’s time to continue.  It’s what he does best!

Juewett Bostick presents SHADES OF BLU. Starting with the purity of soulful music, add the rhythm & blues of life, sweetened with soulful vocals we arrive at SHADES OF BLU. SOB is the evolution of converging forces. The times we’re in, the technology at our disposal and a life long association with musicians, signers and artists. It's an innovative new direction in Jazz!

Soul Jazz[1]is the projects genesis, the time when Jazz musicians were dipping into R&B, and still attached to Be-Bop. Some artist who made this happen; Art Blakely and The Jazz Messengers, Jimmy Smith, Horace Silver, Lee Morgan, Grant Green, Bobby Timmons and Stanley Turrentine.
Bostick’s objective was to integrate the music and spirit from this era for the consumer with an appetite for music with depth, passion and creative substance.

On SHADES OF BLU Bostick has done the blues with integrity, with class, while keeping the sprit of the blues intact. 

Its funky, Its funny, and its sexy.


[1] Soul jazz refers to music with "an earthy, bluesy melodic concept" with dance-like rhythms. Soul jazz developed in the late 1950s can be described by terms like "funky", "soulful" and features gospel-inspired, down-home, call-and-response blues.  Some artists of this genre are Horace Silver, Art Blakely’s Jazz Messengers, Lee Morgan, Hank Mobley and Jimmy Smith.

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